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Mt. Kilimanjaro is a key indicator of climate change. Reforestation is critical. Partner with us as we work to plant 50 Million Trees!

Deforestation around Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania has caused air temperatures to increase, blowing up the face of the mountain, causing the glaciers on Mt. Kilimajaro to melt at an alarming rate. By planting 50 Million trees we can decrease radiant heat through evaporative cooling and shade.

A high percentage of Tanzanian residents still depend upon firewood or charcoal for cooking. This accounts for several million trees being cut down in the Kilimanjaro Region alone.

Until the country is able to shift to burning natural gas, the long-term solution is to educate local people about how to grow and plant trees, the values of trees, and how to manage multi-purpose forests that provide benefits to local people. Our reforested areas provide much more than shade and visual enhancement! They create sustainable forest products such as fruit, animal fodder, firewood, timber, and natural medicine such as Neem (Azadiractica indica).

The Tanzanian government is jumping on board to support reforestation. We are so thankful for the visionary leaders who are promoting tree planting across the country. District schools are planting trees by the thousands! (see our “Tree-Schools” tab)

Scientists believe that the glaciers on Mt. Kilimanjaro have decreased by 85% since 1917, and may be completely gone within the next 40 years. Please join Trees 4 Kilimanjaro to bring lasting change.


Join us in Africa as we work to plant 50,000,000 trees and experience the incredible culture and beauty of Africa!

Who are we?

Our goal is to educate and empower Tanzanian people to reforest their homeland after decades of fuelwood cutting and overgrazing which has caused a steep decline in rainfall, increased temperatures, and subsequent glacial decline.

How can you help?

Partner with us in-person or through planting project donations and together we will have a positive impact on Tanzania, Africa and the World! Contact us to learn more about how you can get involved.


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